Cross Current Programs & Services

Sunday Morning Worship

We meet at the Fredericton Christian Academy (778 MacLaren Ave) every Sunday morning at 10 AM.  This is a time to meet & mingle.  In our services we strive for:

Encouragement through Biblical Teaching

​We believe that God’s word is just as true and relevant today as it was when it was written.  Its words hold power, life & the final authority in all issues of life.  We trust that the Spirit will move through the weekly teaching which is founded on God’s  word.​

 Authentic Worship

We are a church that anticipates with excited hearts all that the Spirit of God desires to do in our midst through our time in worship.  We pray God’s life-changing power and revelation will pour down amongst us as we lift our hearts in worship to Him.  We also believe God speaks through His people.  If a prophetic word is given to one of His children for the community, we encourage it to be brought forward as the Spirit leads.

Spirit Cafe:

During the week we offer for free to the Fredericton community Spiritual Readings; Healing Treatments; Peace Treatments; Cleansing Treatments; & Dream Interpretations.  Hours for this are: Mon, Wed, & Friday 7:30am to 1:30pm and Saturday evenings 7:00pm to 9:00pm.  This is done at 340 King Street, Unit 1 (beside Victory Meat Market).

 Online program

We are working to develop content explaining the Bible message to our fellow citizens in the world who speak Turkish.  View our content here.